Name Department Email Keywords
Allison, Rinyka - Lecturer of Special Education Human Movement Sciences special education law and regulatory practices,  military-connected students with disabilities,  IEP development and implementation,  early childhood special education, clinical supervisor, dissertation research chair
Ayers, David F.- Associate Professor of Community College Leadership and Higher Education Educational Foundations and Leadership critical discourse studies, cultural political economy, community college history, models of program planning in adult education, critical organization and management studies
Baaki, John - Associate Professor of Instructional Design and Technology STEM Education & Professional Studies Instructional design, human performance improvement, empathic design, reflection-in-action, persona construction
Bartlett, James - Associate Professor of CCL and Workforce Development Educational Foundations and Leadership Postsecondary Career and Technical Education, Workforce Development and Work-Based Learning, Community College and Business\Industry Partnerships, Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Faculty Recruitment, Development, and Retention, labor market outcomes, q-methodology, and quantitative methods
Bartlett, Michelle - Assistant Professor, CCL Educational Foundations and Leadership Research Methods (Quant, Qual, Q-Method), Postsecondary CTE, Leadership, Universal Design for Learning in the workplace, Instructional Design, Talent Development, HyFlex 
Bobzien, Jonna - Associate Professor of Special Education Human Movement Sciences autism, severe disabilities, low incidence disabilities, adapted curriculum K-12, significant intellectual disabilities
Bol, Linda - Professor of Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation STEM Education & Professional Studies self-regulated learning, metacognition, study activities, program evaluation, research methods
Brown, Lindy - Lecturer of Library & Information Studies STEM Education & Professional Studies Information literacy, public libraries
Burns, Elizabeth A. - Associate Professor of Library Science STEM Education & Professional Studies Curriculum and Instruction, school library education, school library advocacy, online education, assessment and evaluation
Case, Robert - Associate Professor of Sport Management Human Movement Sciences sport studies; sport economic impact; sport leadership; sport management curriculum development; legal aspects of sport
Chezan, Laura - Associate Professor of Special Education Human Movement Sciences autism, significant intellectual disabilities, functional communication, behavior support, quality of life
Childress, Dana - Assistant Professor of Special Education Human Movement Sciences early childhood intervention, adult learning principles and practices, family centered practices, multi-component professional development
Choi, Dooyoung - Assistant Professor of Fashion Merchandising Educational Foundations and Leadership Fashion consumer behavior, social psychology of appearance, self-sexualization, green advertising
Colwell, Jamie - Associate Professor of Literacy Teaching & Learning adolescent literacy; disciplinary literacy; digital literacy; design-based research
Commodore, Felecia  - Associate Professor of Higher Education Educational Foundations and Leadership HBCUs, leadership, black colleges, black women, governance, administrative practices, MSIs, organizational behavior, decision-making
Cook-Snell, Brett -Senior Lecturer Educational Foundations and Leadership STEM education, information and computer literacy
Crisden, Tamu- MonarchTeach Master Educator  Teaching & Learning Science, secondary science teaching and learning, Project based learning 
Crompton, Helen - Associate Professor of Instructional Technology STEM Education & Professional Studies Mobile learning, mlearning, STEM, technology to support STEM, context-aware ubiquitous learning, technology enhanced learning, TEL, instructional technology, technology integration, teacher technology training, mathematics education
Davis, Sharon - Master Lecturer of Fashion Merchandising Educational Foundations and Leadership Merchandising, job search skills, textiles and construction analysis, retail math, fashion marketing
Dunkerly-Bean, Judith - Assistant Professor of Literacy Teaching & Learning cosmopolitan critical literacy/pedagogy, social justice & human rights education in literacy, critical ethnography, transnational feminist theory, global young adult literature, elementary/adolescent literacy education
Eckhoff, Angela - Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning early childhood pedagogy, arts education, informal/nonformal learning environments, creative and cognitive development, participatory methodologies
Edwards, Danielle - Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership Educational Foundations and Leadership education policy, economics of education, quantitative methods, casual inference, quasi-experimental methods, school choice, teacher labor markets, student and teacher mobility
Enderson, Mary - Associate Professor of Mathematics Education Teaching & Learning PK-12 mathematics education, PK-12 STEM education, teacher preparation, UTeach program development and implementation, M&S in teacher education, literacy in STEM teacher preparation
Ferguson, Sarah  Teaching & Learning mathematics education, problem based instruction, online learning, teacher preparation, STEM education
Gansle, Kristin - Professor of  Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation STEM Education & Professional Studies assessment of teacher preparation, behavioral principles in education, school psychology, research methods
Grant, Melva - Associate Professor of Mathematics Education Teaching & Learning Mathematics education and teacher leadership, broadening participation in STEM, qualitative interpretive methods including creative, critical, and self-based methodologies  
Gregory, Dennis - Associate Professor of Higher Education and Community College Leadership Educational Foundations and Leadership higher education law, international education, comparative education, student affairs, student conduct, sexual violence, facutly governance, history of higher education, first amendment
Gregory, Mary Teaching & Learning Teacher Residency, MS science education, 6-12 STEM education, teacher preparation, inquiry based lesson design, learning theories, culturally relevant pedagogy, developing effective mentor teachers, 
Grothaus, Tim - Associate Professor of Counseling Counseling and Human Services school counseling, cultural sustaining practice (including advocacy and social justice)
Gupta, Abha - Professor of Language and Literacy Education Teaching & Learning literacy, diversity, language learning and development, struggling learners, ESL/ELL learners, innovative and unconventional interventions, multiculturalism, teacher preparation
Gutierrez, Kristie Teaching & Learning K-12 science education, informal and formal STEM education, integration of STEM content areas into instruction, increasing access to STEM areas for populations who have been historically underrepresented in STEM; engineering education; computer science education
Haegele, Justin - Associate Professor of Health & Physical Education Human Movement Sciences adapted physical education; adapted physical activity; disability; visual impairment; autism spectrum disorder; subjective experiences; inclusion; qualitative approaches
Hartsfield, Jamie - Lecturer of Human Services Counseling and Human Services Families, parenting, adolescents, trauma healing
Hester, Peggy - Professor of Special Education Human Movement Sciences early childhood special education; early intervention/prevention; parent training; early childhood professional development
Hinton, KaaVonia -  Professor of Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning Young Adult literature, educational biography, English education
Horton-Parker, Radha- Associate Professor of Counseling and Human Services Counseling and Human Services adult development and aging, spirituality, interpersonal relations, and social justice and advocacy
Hughes, Katie, Lecturer of Human Services Counseling and Human Services perinatal mental health
Johnson, Lisa - Lecturer of Special Education Human Movement Sciences mild to moderate disabilities, English as a second language, inclusive space, special education, 
Kemer, Gulsah - Assistant Professor of Counseling and Human Services Counseling and Human Services clinical supervision, counselor training, supervisor training, supervisor development, LGB identity development in collectivistic cultures
Kidd, Jennifer - Senior Lecturer of Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning engineering education, educational technology, web 2.0 applications, student-generated content, diversity, peer review/peer assessment, open educational resources, digital badges 
Kim, Jinhee- Assistant Professor of Instructional Design and Technology STEM Education & Professional Studies AI in Education, Human-Computer (AI) Interaction & Collaboration, Learning sciences, Student-centered learning, Technology for social good
Kimmel, Sue - Professor of Library Science STEM Education & Professional Studies School libraries, digital literacies and resources, children's and adolescent literature, culture, collaboration
Kosloski, Mickey - Associate Professor & Chair Educational Foundations and Leadership Career and technical education (CTE), teacher preparation, curriculum and instruction, business and industry training, CTE student organizations, teacher retention and recruitment
Layden, Selena, Assistant Professor of Special Education Human Movement Sciences autism spectrum disorder, evidence-based practices, teacher performance, behavior supports; school-based behavior analysts
Lee, Lea - Associate Professor of Teaching & Learning Teaching & Learning Early childhood education in Korea, parental involvement in literacy education, and multicultural education
Ling, Ling - Lecturer of Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies Human Movement Sciences Hospitality Revenue Management, Pricing, Distribution Channel, Consumer Behavior
Luo, Tian - Associate Professor of Instructional Design & Technology STEM Education & Professional Studies Instructional design and technology, web 2.0, social media, twitter, microblogging, technology integration, open educational resources, learning analytics.
Lynch, Sabra - Master Lecturer of Special Education Human Movement Sciences early childhood, literacy, professional development, developmental delays
Maddamsetti, Jihea Teaching & Learning teacher identity, social justice, critical pedagogy, and critical race theory in the field of elementary teacher education and language studies
Makovec, Katelyn - Senior Lecturer of Health & Physical Education Human Movement Sciences Physical education, PK-12 Education, Health education
Mallary, Kevin - Assistant Professor of Library & Information Studies STEM Education & Professional Studies Accessibility, assistive technologies, academic libraries, user-centered design, Universal Design for Learning
Mamo Yoseph - Assistant Professor of Sport Management Human Movement Sciences corporate social responsibility, sport management, analytics, Big data,  and Machine Learning
Mathies, Charles -Assistant Professor of Higher Education Educational Foundations and Leadership higher education, international education, comparative education, Higher Education Finance, Higher Education Policy
Matrood, Basim - Lecturer of Industerial Technology Educational Foundations and Leadership Advance manufacturing processes,
 industrial engineering design,
 design for manufacturing,
 manufacturing study analysis, mechatronic engineering design
Moe, Jeff - Associate Professor of Counseling Counseling and Human Services clinical mental health counseling; crisis response, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in counseling, quantitative research in counseling, consultation models, CACREP-accreditation, individual, couple, and group counseling
Morin, Lisa - Lecturer of Special Education Human Movement Sciences cognitive strategy, math difficulty, learning disabilities, special education
Mutegi, Jomo - Associate Professor of Science Education Teaching & Learning STEM learning of Black students; worldview, identity development, and science learning; systemic racism in STEM learning; socially transformative STEM curriculum theory and development, children’s literature development, critical pedagogy, science education in international contexts
Myran, Steve - Associate Professor of Pk-12 Educational Leadership Educational Foundations and Leadership educational leadership, instructional leadership, learning sciences, theory building
Neukrug, Ed - Professor of Counseling and Human Services Counseling and Human Services counseling theory, assessment, professional issues, counseling skills, empathy, ethics, men's issues
Perez, Tony  - Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation motivation, identity development, STEM retention, interventions, applied statistics, learning STEM Education & Professional Studies motivation, identity development, STEM retention, interventions, applied statistics, learning
Perrotti, Anne - Associate Professor of Communication Disorders Human Movement Sciences interprofessional research...neurodevelopmental disabilities and cognitive communication in youth in the school to confinement pipeline
Pribesh, Shana - Professor of Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation Educational Foundations and Leadership family comparative research, research methods, statistics, sociology of education, program evaluation, assessment, equity STEM Education & Professional Studies family comparative research, research methods, statistics, sociology of education, program evaluation, assessment, equity
Ramsey, Julie - Program Coordinator of MonarchTeach Teaching & Learning STEM education, Middle School Math education, Independent PK-12 school structure, school vouchers, leadership development, UTEACH & strategic planning
Redmond, Michelle - Lecturer of Sport Management Human Movement Sciences sport management, disability, diversity and gender
Reed, Phil - Professor of Workforce Education Educational Foundations and Leadership Career and Technical Education (CTE), Teacher Preparation, Curriculum and Instruction, STEM Education, Technology and Engineering Education
Rehfuss, Mark - Associate Professor of Human Services Education Counseling and Human Services career counseling and vocational guidance, qualitative research methods, online education and learning, HMSV education, Interprofessional Education, integrated behavioral health
Ren, Xinyue - Assistant Professor of Instructional Design & Technology STEM Education & Professional Studies Instructional design, culturally inclusive course design, accessibility, open educational resources, game-based learning, augmented reality, online and distance education, mixed methods research
Richard, Meagan - Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership Educational Foundations and Leadership Justice issues in education, school leadership, school leadership preparation, socially-just and equitable school leadership, critical policy studies, neoliberalism
Ridinger, Lynn - Professor of Sport Management Human Movement Sciences sport involvement, consumer behavior, women's sports
Rippard, Kelly - Lecturer of Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning cooperative learning, problem-based instruction, curriculum, instructional design, instructional technology, qualitative research methods, teacher education, flipped classroom methods, service learning, English education
Saltmarsh, Jason - Assistant Professor of PK-12 Educational Leadership Educational Foundations and Leadership education policy, qualitative methods, case study, school choice policies, school-family partnerships, communities of practice, schooling in New Orleans and Washington, D.C.
Sanzo, Karen - Professor of Pk-12 Educational Leadership Educational Foundations and Leadership school leadership preparation and development, organizational innovation and improvement, design thinking
Sawyer, Jason M- Assistant Professor of Human Services Counseling and Human Services community organization practice, tranformative arts in social practice, critical pedagogy, critical and positive youth development practice; and the intersection of social movements and social welfare through an equity-based, anti-oppressive, and anti-racist lens. (Conducted studies utilizing advanced qualitative methods, mixed methods, program evaluation, and arts based research methods. Consults with human service organizations on integrating equity and inclusion into organization practice.)
Scaringello, Frank - Lecturer of Human Services Counseling and Human Services school guidance, physical activity-positive youth development programs, substance abuse
Schwitzer, Alan M. "Woody" - Professor of Counseling Counseling and Human Services 2 and 4 year college & university student development, adjustment, health, mental health, wellness, and learning
Scribner, Jay - Professor of Pk-12 Educational Leadership Educational Foundations and Leadership educational policy, program evaluation, educational leadership
Simons, Rea - Assistant Professor of Library and Information Studies STEM Education & Professional Studies Social and Community informatics, Inclusive technology design and use, Equity and Inclusion in Library & Information Studies, Information Ethics
Smith-Durkin, Stephanie - Counseling Lecturer Counseling and Human Services educational equity, novice school counselors, school and community partnerships, antiracism, social justice, MTSS, cultural competence,
Smith-Mutegi, Demetrice--Assistant Professor of Science Education Teaching & Learning science education, informal STEM education, early career Black science teacher experiences, diversity in STEM
Snow, Kevin C., Assistant Professor of Human Services Counseling and Human Services spirituality in counseling, international counseling, advocacy, diversity issues & social justice in counseling/human services, qualitative research methods, community mental health counseling, family-based/mobile treatment
Sommerfeldt, Jody - Interim Director of Teacher Education Servies Teaching & Learning instructional technology, technology integration, mobile learning, project-based learning, teacher education, and teacher licensure
Suggs, Brittany G. — Counseling Lecturer Counseling and Human Services Clinical Technology Competence, Collaborative Mental Health Care, Community Mental Health Counseling, Emerging Adulthood, Equity in Mental Health, Gender-Based Violence Prevention, Global Mental Health, Holistic Mental Health Care, Multicultural Competence, Pastoral Counseling, Psychological First Aid (PFA), Race-Based Traumatic Stressors (RBTS), Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), Sociocultural Advocacy, Spiritual Integration in Counseling Practice, Technology in Counseling, Wellness and Preventive Counseling
Suh, Yonghee - Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning history-social studies education, disciplinary literacy, inquiry-based teaching and learning, teacher education, teacher professional development, qualitative research methods (e.g., narrative inquiry, grounded theory, content analysis etc.)
Tarver, Shuntay - Assistant Professor of Human Services Counseling and Human Services Black/African-American Families; Systemic influences on marginalized outcomes; Antiracism; Systemic inequality; Cultural competence; Educational equity; Critical Race Theory; Interdisciplinary research; Mixed-methodology; Qualitative inquiry; Identity development
Tomovic, Cynthia - Professor of Industry & Business Training Educational Foundations and Leadership Organizational leadership, performance improvement, globalization, virtual teams, and impact of product lifecycle management, STEM Education.
Usher, Lindsay - Associate Professor of Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies Human Movement Sciences tourism impacts on local communities, surf culture and tourism, tourism in the developing world
Wang, Yubing - Assistant Professor of Health & Physical Education Human Movement Sciences physical education, physical activity behavior change, habit development, mind-body exercise and health.
Watson, Silvana - Professor of Special Education Human Movement Sciences Specific Learning Disabilities (e.g., dyslexia), multilingual learners with and without disabilities, and cognitive strategies
Williams, Mitchell R. - Associate Professor of Community College Leadership and Higher Education Educational Foundations and Leadership the role of community colleges in addressing poverty-related issues, rural community colleges, collaboration between two and four-year institutions, and adult education
Winfield, Chaniece -Senior Lecturer of Human Services Counseling and Human Services substance abuse, mental health, co-occurring disorders, ethics, assessment, MH and SA interventions, interviewing, treatment planning, group facilitation and development, supervision, families, adolescents and children, credentialing, practitioner development, human service education, teaching with technology, experiential and immersion based learning, teaching effectiveness,
Yang, Mohan - Assistant Professor of Industry & Business Training Educational Foundations and Leadership Transfer of training, digital transformation and emerging technologies, online learning, authentic learning, Univeral Design for Learning
Yen, Cherng-Jyh - Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation STEM Education & Professional Studies data analysis, generalized linear mixed modeling, test validation
Yu, Seongryeong - Assistant Professor of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Teaching & Learning Classroom (multi)literacy, bi/multilingual children's identity negotiation and belonging, spatiality, materiality, post-structuralism/-humanism, mapping, action research, ethnography
Zhu, Xihe - Professor of Health & Physical Education Human Movement Sciences behavioral health, mental health, physical activity, physical fitness, program evaluation